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Building Owner

You are a building owner with plans to carry out works at your property and you need to serve Notices to your next door neighbors... Sit back relax and leave it to us.

We can serve Notices on your behalf

You need to serve notice to adjoining neighbors If you are doing notifiable works to your property such as but not limited to:

Raising or demolishing a Party wall or fence
If you are cutting into the party wall to place a beam (as in Loft conversion)
Inserting a damp proof course, even at your side of party wall
Raising a party wall and need to cut or repair some parts
Underpinning the party wall
Weathering the building on the line of boundary
Excavating within 3 meters of neighbor structure to the depth lower than their foundation
Excavating within 6 meters of neighbor structure to a depth below the line of 45 degrees drawn from bottom of their foundation.  

We can act as building owner surveyor

We can act as the owner's surveyor to send and receive notices. 
If the adjoining owner did not consent to the mentioned works mentioned in the notice, then we will follow the standard procedure as mentioned in the Party wall etc. Act 1996
If a dispute arises we can produce: 
  • Schedule of condition report  
  • Party wall Awards

    We can act as agreed surveyor

    After serving Notices and if got a dissent from the neighbor, then there is a dispute arisen where we can act as agreed surveyor for both owner and adjoining owner to resolve the matter. This could be done if the adjoining neighbor is agreed for us to be agreed surveyor. We can produce: 
    • Schedule of condition report  
    • Party wall Awards
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